Export of Palembang Fish Crackers with SNI to Singapore adminwebex01 September 9, 2022

Export of Palembang Fish Crackers with SNI to Singapore

Early last April (8/4), one of the BSN-assisted MSMEs, Kemplang (Fish) Crackers and Pempek Rizky Palembang returned to export 156 kilograms of fish cracker products to Singapore.

This is the second time that UMKM Rizky has sent Palembang’s special products to the country of lions. The first export to Singapore was carried out in early January 2020. This is good news in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak and is a motivation so that MSMEs, especially those with SNI, are able to survive (continue).

The shipment of export containers numbered HJCU2002710 is carried out through the port of Pelindo II Palembang Branch, which is commonly called the Port of Bombbaru.

Rizky UMKM Fish Crackers have pocketed SPPT SNI 8272: 2016. UMKM Rizky received assistance from the Technical Service Office of the National Standardization Agency (BSN) in Palembang and facilitated certification financing from PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang’s CSR program.

Currently working with BPOM Palembang is finalizing BPOM distribution permits with the hope that in the future it can enter the national retail market. Amen. (cltplg)

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